Tanzania e-visa / Tanzania e-visa

Tanzania e-visa

Information for obtaining a Tanzania e-visa.

The application form has numerous questions and requires supporting documentation.
Have available to scan and/or upload:

  • headshot photo
  • passport
  • international airline ticket showing flights to/from Tanzania
  • credit card

Allow up to 30 minutes to complete the form and allow up to two weeks for processing the e-visa application.  See also the e-visa guidelines from Tanzania immigration services.

See answers below to questions applicable to your SENE adventure.

Visit Details

  • Type of Visa Requested
    • Select Multiple Entry if U.S. passport.
    • Select Ordinary if non-U.S. passport.
  • Purpose of Your Visit
    • Leisure and Holiday.

Travel Plans

  • Destination
    • Select Tanzania Mainland unless arriving in Zanzibar as your first destination.

Local Host


  • Where Are You Going to Stay? 
    • Hotel.
  • Physical Address
    • If doing a climb or your first destination is SENE’s Mbahe Farm Cottages then use:  Mbahe Cottages(Home Stay) , Marangu Village, Kilimanjaro.
    • If your first destination is a hotel then use the hotel name and town.  For example:  Rivertrees Country Inn, Arusha.

Who is accompanying you?

  • Are You Traveling as Part of a Group or Organization?
    • No.